Two arms. Two legs. Two eyes. Two ears. A mouth. A nose. A torso. A head. Do you have all that I have too? Did you have it when you were born? Majority of the society will say YES without doubt. Some may lost it in an undesirable happenings. Some may have it but alas in defect. Even so, you are still be called as a HUMAN.
Soon to realise, why does some people look at those as if they were freaks? Did the hearts of those who misunderstood gone deep into the blind abyss? Judging them for what they look like, for what they previously did, for what they suffer, is seriously inhuman. Yes maybe those who we considered sinister i.e criminals and law breakers as something atrocious. Ever think those in innocence you may judge wrongly? If you don't, why does speculations come afoot? Gossips and stereotyping happening everywhere?
To those who underestimate, gave the cold shoulder to other, you think you are better then them? What made you to outcast from what is originally your kind (A human) ? Those who made mistakes then repent from it, why did you treat them badly? Even those who are at misfortune, why still you have the heart to give them the bad eye? You think you are so good?
Think for a moment. Stop the life clock and ponder. Will you be satisfied when you did all of it to them? They are still humans like you. Maybe they be in your opposite gender , still the same kind,species. They made a mistake? Forgive and forget. They made you upset? Tell them straight, they may not know. Want their attention? Call them out! Want to help them? Please do. Everyone deserve a fair treatment. Karma is everywhere. You do something, something else will come front near future. Treat everyone nicely. A smile may relief them. You don't know what they suffer or anything that they can do which you don't.
Still think you're good? Halt your actions and remember. They are still alive and well. They can do the same things you did. Just wait for the time for Karma to kick in. They are still humans like me. I'm still Human like all of you.